For the past 10 years, my life has been Nomadic and I have made many extraordinary journeys. I make artwork in response to diverse, inspiring places and I often work outdoors. The joy and challenge has been to make work while ‘on-the-road’ in transient conditions. My paintings are spontaneous and often a subconscious, multi-sensory, multi-media record of what I experience in each unique place.

“Every artwork has to be an experiment, otherwise its dead”
Maggie Hambling

“I love paint, it never behaves in the same way twice and it’s always surprising”

John Hoyland
“When you are in the zone you haven’t a clue what’s going on, it’s the best state to be in. When it’s going well the painting paints itself”
Maggie Hambling
“Creativity takes courage”
Henri Matisse
“A work of art which did not begin in emotion is not art”
Paul Cezanne